Windows are a significant component of a home’s visual appeal. They contribute to the aesthetics and value of a property. When in good functional condition, windows help make the home energy-efficient, allowing homeowners to save on energy costs. However, as windows begin to deteriorate they can lose their functionality and become inconvenient for your home. This is when it’s time to consider a window replacement

In addition, knowing what causes the window failure of your old windows can help you to prevent the same things from happening to your new ones. Below are 5 common causes of window failure.

1. Poor Installation

Poor installation is one of the common causes of window failure, especially in windows that are relatively new. The quality of window installation matters, whether it is a new installation or a  window replacement. One mistake can affect its functionality and durability. As a result, you should hire an experienced window installer who has the adequate skill, experience, training, and tools for the task. Windows fail much faster when installed poorly.

2. Accidents

Accidents are another cause of window failure and can include incidents such as broken glass, cracked panes, removed weatherstripping or broken seals. These damages can affect the window’s efficiency, leading to higher energy costs. If you accidently break your window, contact an experienced installer immediately for a window replacement.

3. Negligence or Improper Maintenance

Although most windows are typically low maintenance, they do require some routine cleaning in order to remain in optimal condition.  However, many homeowners neglect to take care of their windows until it is too late. Be sure to regurlarly check for damage such as cracked glass, broken seals or even termite infestations. In addition, if you are cleaning your windows be sure to use gentle chemicals instead of harsh ones to prevent aesthetic damage.

4. Harsh Weather

Over the years, as windows are exposed to extreme weather conditions they can face signs of wear and tear. Exposure to high humidity or moisture, extreme heat or cold, temperature fluctuations and snowfall can wear down the effectiveness and durability of windows. Eventually, these conditions will cause the windows to fail and a replacement will be needed.

5. Wear and Tear

Another cause of window failure is age. Regardless of the quality of the materials used for making the windows, daily use can weaken their structures and cause further damage, making window replacement inevitable.


Look out for these five common causes of window failure. Protect your property by repairing or replacing your windows when needed. Also, be sure to contact an experienced installer for the best window replacement.

BW Windows & Doors

About BW Windows & Doors

At BW, we are more than just windows and doors experts, we also specialize in siding, stucco and roofing installations! Your windows and doors frame your world from the inside and along with your roofing give your home character from the outside

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